Sunday, December 2, 2007

basketball questions

Basketball at Proctor Academy
• How for jv players is hard to advance to varsity
• How many jv players usually advance a year
• How many of varsity players are recruited for basketball

Monday, October 29, 2007

"Greenleaf" Mrs. May sympathy

I have mixed thoughts weather I feel sympathy for Mrs. May. I feel sympathy because she runs a dary farm with not much experience and I know this is hard because you have to time the breeding so that you have multiple cows producing milk all year round. Then, I don’t because she is bossy, yells a lot, and makes things seem worse then they are. She makes herself look like the victim. Also she makes racist comments about the Greenleafs. This is why I have mixed feelings about Mrs. May.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Sunny’s stomac felt like his implosive decision made him realize what he had done. This is what made his stomach think think that everyone hates him because the world is not always fair.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

rocking horse winner questions

3. Paul is a very qurious kid he wants to know whats happening and why everything is why it is. This is the reason he asks questions. Paul has two main motivations his mom and his uncle they motivate him by answering his questions and supporting him.

Monday, October 15, 2007

hills like white elephants

There is if anything little described about the couples past. The only thing we can indirectly assume is that they had intercourse. This is explained through the girl needing an abortion. The couples relationship was great until the girl got pregnant. We know this because it was said. We don’t know how accurate the mans vition of the future is.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

pauls case

Paul is a static character rather than a dynamic character because in the story he stays the same. During the story toms attitude doesn’t change it is still the same wealth craving attitude.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"The Lesson"

At the beginning Miss More of the story, Silvia is mad at Miss Moore because she’s taking away her summer day. Sylvia would “rather go to the pool or to the show where its cool”(138) she also feels that Miss Moore is boring and that she shouldn’t be trying to teach kids during the summer. Later on when they go to Schwartz Sylvia doesn’t like how Miss Moore is showing them what they could have if they were wealthy. When she goes to the door but she feels “shame”(141) about how poor she is.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

“Everyday Use”

4. There are a few things that foreshadow Dee (Wangero) wanting the quilts. First is the title. The mother says that Maggie might use them for everyday use. Also she mentions grandma Dee and that shows that she is getting on the subject of the quilts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

hunters in the snow

3. I think frank is the most sympathetic of the characters. He is shocked at Kenny shooting the dog and he is shocked that tub shoots Kenny. I think that Kenny was the most powerfull at the start because he had the truck and was bossing the others around, but at the end tub was the most powerful because he could control Kenny and Frank.

7. I think the coffie house scène was to explain the caricters backround, and leaving Kenny in the truck was showing that they didn’t really care about him and they were kind of selfish. I think he is talking about the baby sitter and his wife just to show say that he is in a bad time to, and to get tub to be sympathietic of him.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

sailing paper

Evan Gaskin
Intro to literature
September 11, 2007

Learning to Sail

Before climbing onto a Hobie 16 for the first time, I never thought sailing could be fun and so challenging. At first, when I started I thought I would never like it, and it was boring. I also thought that I would only like motorboats and never own a sailboat. Still, I stuck with sailing going on to the intermediate, class mostly because my parents suggested I do so. Besides, there is nothing else to do in Sherborn during the summer.
I continued to show up for lessons and eventually got more confident with the boat and was gradually found to be the best sailor in the class. When we had races I would be the only one in the boat and all other boats had two people and the jib sail, and I would still win. This is when I started to really enjoy sailing because I realized I could push the boat to the limit. I would sit on the outside edge of the gunwale and just keep sailing along. I found this to be so much fun I joined the advanced class; it was really enjoyable even though I hated the instructor do to his short temper.
I went on my annual summer trip to Belize, but it was different this time. Were building our house. Our builder Steve learned that I knew how to sail. So he said well why don’t we take my Hobie 16 down to the beach and go sailing. So we all said ok. I had never been on a Hobie cat before or gone small boat sailing on the ocean. I went thinking it could be ok. He took my mom and I first. It was so cool we took right off the beach and flew off the beach. Soon there waves washing over the trampolines and we were doing 7-8 knots. We tacked toward Dangriga. When we reached near shore we tacked again this time back to Hopkins. With the east wind we could go about ten feet from the beach and just fly along. While we were doing this I was on the trapezes for my first time. I love to run up to the front and slide down the hull all the way to the stern. We flew past all of Hopkins’s shoreline. And glided right up the beach. Sadly my first trip on the Hobie came to and end, and my brother and dad's tern began.
This one trip changed my attitude toward sailing it has made we want to go to the pond and sail for a couple of hours each day. I still do want a Hobie, but I got a better deal on a 12’ AMF Minifish. I hope to someday fix it up and sell it to get a Hobie to continue to enjoy sailing even more. This one event totally changed my attitude toward sailing, my summer plans, and made sailing a hobby of mine.