Wednesday, April 30, 2008

chimny sweeps

the boy feared harm and cryed at first but then dreamed of hevan and saw that he will be let out of the black coffin of soot so he will be fine in the end so dont worry about getting hurt

Monday, April 28, 2008

ozymandias/barbie doll

Osomandias was a great king and has been sence over run
The situation irony is Reading the plack you picture a mignty city but really it’s a rundown abandoned statue
the apostryfy is the speaker is talking about osomandias and he is dead
the metonymy is the is the statures face and hand sticking out of the growned.
Also the hand that “mocked” them is referring to the scupters hand.

Barbie doll the Barbie dolls are perfect but not everybody is. People have high expectations so it can drive women over the edge. Advised to play coy and not be herself.
Simile is the fan belt wore out
The puddy nose makes her perfect but it is fake.
Verbal irony magic of puberty.

Friday, April 25, 2008

the victums and the toad

I think that there are two victims, the father of corse because it is all about tearing him down but also the kids because they relize what they did to the father after they pass the bums on the street.
The pun is a tribute to shakesbear the tempes
I take the toad to be a jumpy term for someone who needs to be cheared up

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

to his coy mistres

If we had the time we could draw out our relationship and take all the time we needed
But death is coming therefore we should take advatage of our youth and be with eachother
it is a valad argument because they are geting older and losing the chance to have kids

dream differed/song of powers

the is affectivein snowing the happy and bad images in the story

it shows that everything is volnerable

Monday, April 21, 2008


I think that the speaker is looking at a houd and thinking about life. It is eather going to love you or spring up and bite your hand.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

hazel tells laverne

the poem uses irony because you would think that the lady would kiss the frog because he says he will make her into a princess but instead he flushes the frog down the toilet.

Monday, April 7, 2008

reading habits

1. the phases of his life seam to start with highschool or somthing because he could still be a jock or deal the right even with keeping his nose in a book alot. then he moves on to be and the middle stansa he seemes to be in coladge.
2. i think he is an average guy who might be kind of a nerd but he can be a people person sometimes. he reads fanticy books and seemes to get into them

reading 4/8

4. about half way through the poem the speakers attitude changes about the girl. In the first part of the poem he is envyous of the girl. he says she is polular at all the dances she got her diploma and is smart, but after that his mood changes to feeling pittly twards her. He says that her husband died and the kids have moved out, and she was just trying to kill time.

2. that language is apropriate i guess because he is nether white nor black. He is somwhere probly in the middle of the wealth levels of the parents.

storm windows

“Storm windows” By Howard Nemerov’s ambition. Setting of the poem is late fall, as shown by the putting up of the storm windows and the wintry rain. The speaker may be the author but is a person returning home from somewhere. He notices the storm windows “lying on the ground/” while looking at the windows he is reminded of something he wanted to, say to someone close to him. Possibly a love interest. The tone of the poem is sad and remorseful, like when someone loses someone. There is mention of “missed desires” and a “lonely afternoon.” The theme of the poem might be to say what’s on your mind before it’s to late.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

questions 2-3 4/3

2. I think that its showing that the mirror has seen the lady sence she was a kid so it is hiding her childhood in it.
3. I think its showing that sleep can be restful happy and stuff

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

poem questions

2. gas gas isn’t very poetic also the old lie is kindof a weird last thing

1. I think the two speakers are a mother and douter/son or a host and guest. I think the situation is that the host of mother is going out and leaving the kid of guest at home it is probly the first time because the first speaker is speaking allowed and the second is speaking in its head hence the parenthecies